There's been a surprisingly large amount of conversation on the web lately about whether dog paws smell like corn chips. Many people discover this phenomenon on their own dog but are reluctant to go public fearing that their opinion will cast a veil of shame on their precious pooch. As a public service, we at Happy Dog Land felt it necessary to compile some of the discussion so the issue could be solved once and for all and, thus, allow all of the corn chip smelling dog people to come out of the closet and proudly and publicly proclaim their view. So, with this blog entry we toss our Fritos into the fray.
Look at these sites for background discussions:
Steve Dale, pet expert and nationally syndicated journalist
Ken Foster, author of several dog books including The Dogs Who Found Me
4urPets, a "forum of our best friends and other animals"
Dr. Eric Barchas, DVM, Dogster's "Ask the Vet" expert
Billy has gotten up close and personal with thousands of paws over the past 30 years working and caring for dogs. Jill just checked Shadow's paws. As a result, both Billy and Jill publicly plant their flags in the Frito Feet camp.
What exactly causes Frito Feet? We've noticed that the corn chip bouquet is especially pungent when Fido needs a bath or has been playing hard. Perhaps the fragrance emanates from the sweat or oil glands on the paws. Perhaps the lack of air circulation between the toes is the culprit. We may never know what causes Frito Feet, but we can all rejoice in this uniquely canine phenomenon.
Whether the paws of your particular pal smell like Fritos or eau de generic corn chips or if you've never in your wildest dreams taken a whiff your pooch's paws, there's an important lesson here. You should know everything about your dog's paws: what they look like, what they feel like and, yes, what they smell like. The benefits of inspecting, touching and smelling your dog's paws regularly are myriad: Fido will be less likely to struggle when his nails need cutting, you'll discover injuries, medical issues or abnormalities well before the situation becomes dire, and you'll be spending focused, quality time with your furry friend.
Don't limit your tactile, visual and olfactory inspection to Fido's paws. Giving Fido a full blown bodily "once over" every week is not only good for his physical health, but his mental health too. Moreover, you'll benefit from the bonding time as well.
All you people in the canine corn chip connoisseurs can now hold your head high and shout "Fritophiles Unite!"
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